How the constructivist paradigm influences the solution if it is implemented in the practice setting is by emphasizing the ethical considerations in research. The constructivist paradigm rejects rigid concepts of reality, instead prioritizing subjective data collection and analysis through qualitative research methods (Polit & Beck, 2020). The constructivist paradigm emphasizes qualitative data focusing on context and pattern recognition to deepen the understanding among research participants.
In the research article, were ethical safeguards identified? If not, what ethical safeguards would you expect to see? Were there vulnerable groups included in the research?
In this research article, there were no safeguards or vulnerable groups identified. However, the authors emphasized the importance of education, proper hygiene and maintenance, intermittent catheterization, use of external devices, and nurse-driven removal protocols to reduce CAUTI rates. One safeguard I would expect to see is informed consent, patients should be fully informed about catheter usage and interventions tested. They should be able to decline to participate if they want. Patients also have the right to confidentiality where none of their data is exposed. Other ethical safeguards include minimizing harm to the patient, respecting their right to be involved in their care, and making sure ethical standards are being used.
What form of data or metrics is identified as important? Was the research qualitative or quantitative?
Several interventions were implemented to reduce CAUTI rates. One key metric was the device utilization ratio which compared the total number of catheter days with the number of patient hospitalization days. This offered information on catheter usage. What measured the average duration is called catheter days per patient. Then there were patients being monitored for using the catheter and alternatives being used. For the staff to be successful with this study they must continue to be compliant.
This research was quantitative focusing primarily on numerical data to show how effective the study was. Fight the Foley Bundle uses measurable numerical data like financial data for cost-saving measures, the catheters used, infection rates being measured for catheter usage, and the number of days a catheter is being used compared to hospitalization days. This is why this research is more quantitative versus qualitative because it shows the importance of numerical data.
Leontie, S. L., & Delawder, J. M. (2021). Utilizing a 'fight the foley' bundle to reduce device utilization rates and catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Urologic Nursing, 41(4), 208.